ubthejudge -
Chronicling politics
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Qwest >>
Friday Nov. 3 2000 The NET was not neutral Friday November 3 2000, 4 days before the US presidential election. ![]() That Friday morning, phone/data line service to an internet hosting company was removed by its telecom co., Qwest Communications. The cutoff of the line and data transmittal lasted until the late afternoon. A few hours before the disruption, posted to the website of a hosted company were the docs that are printed below. These were US FOIA ["Freedom of Information Act"] papers, mailed by the federal government and military agency units to citizens and to a few curious reporters at the Boston Globe and the Washinton Post who asked for them. These docs are easy for anyone to check their authenticity. In fact, they were quietly placed by the US Dept. of Defense in 2004 to the public-access portion of its own website. But no one in the press ever reprinted these official papers. Certainly not in 2000. Nor 4 years later. They are hiding in plain sight, still not printed by the press, just as they were on November 3 2000. Are they are too troubling perhaps? | ||
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Of interest – "AO #87" [Aeronautical Order # 87]. This record — government-supplied — would have saved CBS from the National Guard-story scandal that devoured Dan Rather and his 40plus–year career at the network. >> | [ End of GW Bush's flying status 2 years b4 discharge.] This is how the real record, undisputed, got pushed aside the first time, 5 years ago. Phone/data line service was taken down for an internet-domain host company Friday, Nov. 3, 2000 – the day following a surprise news release about GW Bush, news that would sweep aside coverage of the far more important disclosure. | ||
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Prosecution by the government of Qwest executives for huge accounting misstatements and personal gain first stalled and then climbed slowly up the ladder at Qwest, then stopped just short of its board members.
- But at another company, Martha Stewart Living, prosecuters pursued the top executive, Martha Stewart, to take a fall for a well-timed personal stock trade based on information not available to the public. - Follow the money . . .   Note: Donations by Stewart and her company may have favored the wrong political party. Contrast the $ donations of the 2 companies -list here, below. | ||
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Check out
(Hold down the Vote).
How do they do it. [ link to topic] |
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Election WOES - | ||
ETHNIC Cleansing of the Texas Democratic delegation to Congress - Courtesy of Tom DeLay, ex-majority leader | |||
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The Swift Boat vets "for truth:" - They never told you this. . . |
Ever wonder why US citizens had to wait
far into the presidential election of 2004 to learn
that GW Bush as a pilot was grounded from flying in Sept. 1972 — and
never flew again for his
unit — and why we had to hear it only roundabout, by way of angry denunciations of
phony, discredited documents? |
notice, 11/2000 by Harris, with doc photocopies, see #3 |
Disclosure timeline, Yr 2000 | |||
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On the day
a publicist for
Vets sent out a media-wide alert | ||
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1 day earlier, a Fox News affiliate broke news (Nov. 2) from Maine about a prior 'DUI' (driving under the influence) incident. The next day Friday, when site access to the service records was cut in the all day outage, the military record story was turned aside -- overtaken by the more sensational youthful traffic offense that carried news coverage throughout the weekend. |
( Tues Nov 7 - Election day, voters headed to the polls. January '01 - The 43rd President is sworn into office. ) | |||
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Full Circle. FAST Forward: to Aug, 2002– The Carlyle Group, a private equity firm with ties to the Bush family, father and son, and prior ties to the binLaden family (binLaden stake finally cashed out Oct. 2001), became the lead partner in a buyout of Qwest Communications' directory business for $ 7 billion. The Largest leveraged buyout in 14 years was complete in 2003. |
deal, |
THESE records were suppressed in the phone-line network outage In 1972 – and the 2 years following – Lieutenant G W Bush was grounded from flying, by order of the commanding officers :
To View this, be sure to make the browser-page (Window) Maximized
Go to description of
records | [next]
The National Guard Bureau sent the records to a handful of journalists in
early 2000 in reply to a Freedom of Information [ FOI ] request, including to researchers at the
Boston Globe, Washington Post and the New York Times. | |
II - Second record, page 1 "Period of report" : From 1 May 72 To 30 Apr 73 "Not Observed" is checked off [mid-page below] in every category, |
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------ Qwest made gifts to politicians in 2000 that totaled $1,479,000, placing it among the 100 largest givers in the 2000 campaigns. approximately 2/3 R, 1/3 to Dems.
Prospects of Campaign donor, QwestThe Carlyle Group announced in Aug. 2002 it would be lead player to acquire Qwest's directory unit, QwestDex, for $7 billion, in the biggest leveraged buyout since the 1980s, partnering with the NY investment firm Welsh Carson Anderson & Stowe in a consortium purchase. The sale of the yellow pages business would help Qwest raise cash to avoid a bankruptcy filing.
Washington Business Journal
Record of giving, record of legal enforcement1. Telecom giant, QWEST Communications [ gov't enforcement actions ]
2. CEO Martha Stewart [ her donations to (opposite) election campaigns ]
A tale of 2 investigations: [1] Martha vs. [2] phone-company Qwest.
Martha and her firm may have donated mainly to the wrong party in the last presidential election. Qwest did not make that mistake [a "top-100" donor to all federal candidates and campaign committees for the 2000 election ]. She was prosecuted vigorously and immediately.Qwest's Rank in Top 100 of Campaign Contributors in the year 2000
From the List of Top 100 Donors to Campaigns in Election 2000
link to table, FEC reporting as of June 17, 2002
Note: A subsequent update of the top-100 donors table shows contributions by Qwest Communications revised $111,000 lower than the FEC reporting a year earlier, with a split of funding showing 64% given to Republicans and 36% to Democrats, categorized as "Leans Republican" instead of "Strongly Republican," and ranking the firm 88 in the top 100 list of donors. - Also, the past reporting in opensecrets.org used blue-colored elephant icons for the GOP, and red-colored donkey icons for the Democrats, the reverse of the colors we usually see for the parties.
More detail: Employee donations 2000 [ at opensecrets.org, Center for Responsive Politics ]
PAC giving by Qwest (Committee-1 ID - FEC, showing recipients, includes
$5,000 (max allowed) to given to the 2000 election campaign of GW Bush)
PAC giving by Qwest (Committee-1 ID - FEC, summary)
see also further PAC giving by Qwest (Committee-2 ID - FEC, summary)
Note - More recent giving by Qwest and its employees has been somewhat more balanced
across the 2 political parties than it was during election year 2000. [see 2002-2004, indiv]Top former Board members and the company's founder are spared federal scrutiny and criminal charges.
Since 2002, Qwest erased from its books $2.5 billion of reported revenue and profit for fiscal years 2000 and 2001. The Securities and Exchange Commission has investigated the company for allegedly inflating revenue using phony transactions, called "swaps," with other telecoms.
Here are campaign donations of key players (- see below).Federal prosecutors instead trained their sights first lower on the food chain. They focused on 4 midlevel executives in 2004.
The criminal evidence presented against those four did not sway a Colorado jury. No convictions were returned in April 2004 following a 7-week trial: the jury voted "not guilty" or deadlocked on every count. [Denver Post]
In September 2004, the government told Qwest's ex-CEO, Joe Nacchio, of its intent to file civil charges against him for his role in the accounting debacle. Investigators did not let on "whether [they would] continue to look at the role of Phil Anschutz, former Qwest chairman and founder, in Qwest's alleged misdeeds." Since the news of the suit against Nacchio, the US government has not indicated wrongdoing by Anschutz as prosecutors have pursued their inquiry of the earnings misstatement by Qwest management. [Rocky Mountain News, Sep 14, 2004] The SEC announced in October 2004 that it reached a settlement with Qwest for the company to pay a fine of $250 million for "massive financial fraud."
[Qwest's stock price has traded under $10 since 2002, down from $55 in July 2000.]
With $2.5 B in revenue vanished, the feds first zeroed in on the 4 former employees involved in a smaller-scale $33 million deal that booked revenue from a sale meant to hook up schools in Arizona to the Internet. In the $100 M sale to the Arizona School Facilities Board, the government tried to charge that the four managers from Qwest "concocted a plan to allow Qwest to log $33.6 M in revenue . . . in the second quarter of 2001. Instead the company should have spread that revenue over several subsequent quarters, prosecutors said." [Denver Post]
List below. These are the most recent donations made by founder, board member (and ex-chairman) Philip Anschutz, his spouse and family in recent election cycles (can click "link" marked below to scroll further thru earlier donations). Christian Anschutz's work has involved the Anschutz Foundation established by his father.
P. Anschutz is also the majority owner of the largest cinema chain (Regal Entertainment, 6,053 screens in 39 states) in the country, formed by a merger of United Artists and Regal Cinemas in 2002, and holds the position also of Chairman of the Anschutz Corp (its soft-money donations can be found here).
Search Criteria:
Donor name: anschutz
Donor State: CO
Cycle(s) selected: 2004, 2002, 2000
Donations by Joe Nacchio, the former CEO of Qwest, and his spouse are far less substantial, totaling $5,500,
seen here.
Meanwhile -- The Small fry at the company were the first to warrant a Criminal trial, prosecutors decided"The fraud and conspiracy trial of four former Qwest executives endedFriday [4.16.2004] with the acquittal of two defendants and no convictions, a devastating end for the federal government's two-year criminal investigation." [Denver Post, Apr 18 2004] The government tried :B. Treadway, an assistant controller at the time of the deal [ Acquitted by jury on all counts];
J. Walker, a sales executive [also Acquitted],
G. Graham, a financial director [acquitted on 3 counts, jury deadlocked (No verdict) on the remaining 8 counts;
- T. Hall sr. vice president [No verdict on any of 11 counts]
The prosecutors in the months following the trial persuaded Graham and Hall who had re-trials hanging over them to plead guilty instead, each to a lesser offense. A federal judge ruled that neither man would serve jail when he sentenced Hall in February to probation and levied a $5,000 fine; Graham is awaiting his sentencing.
The Feds quickly swooped in on Stewart for a trading infraction and she did hard time, 6 months, in a West Virginia penitentary.
HERE are donations from her and her company - shown in 2 tables below.
Soft money donors found for martha stewart living: [from all employees, companywide]link
Listed below are Ms. Stewart's own gifts, as an individual contributor to campaigns
Total for this search: $117,666link --> "http://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup"> here
2 clashing Vote-drives COLLIDED on November 2, 2004—
1 HOLD Down the Vote HDTV -and
2 Get Out the Vote GOTV .
You run into HDTV when
election officials . . .
Use Contractors with party ties
- They Promise provisional ballots
Hire the Techno Wizards to ok it all
Deny, query, or delay REGISTERED VOTERS
- Up against the
new "statewide database"
. . . CAPACITY "overload" of the Election Day database
PENNSYLVANIA -- THE 'SURE' registry by Accenture, Ltd. ('State-wide uniform Registry')
[ View the campaign donations of Accenture Ltd's leadership and personnel, by political party ]The rush by Pennsylvania to move all of its 67 counties to a central voter database came at a steep price.
The state central registry designed by Accenture was way under-sized to carry the load needs of the registrars, county by county. 56 of Pennsylvania's counties hooked up to the registry, and county clerks hit software problems all year long on top of "unreliable communications links" when they were uploading voter's data, according to Douglas Hill of the County Commissioners Association [AP, 2/7/04]. link
For cross-checking voter status and entering a new registration, SURE was only "half as productive" as the system it replaced, Berks County Election Director, V. Kurt Bellman, told the Morning Call newspaper [Sep. 30] in Allentown.
The program "does not have the speed or the capability" to handle data entries from the county offices, said Monroe Cty. Acting Dir. of Voter Registrations Gina Taylor. In February, Bellman advised the system is "underscaled for its job" and predicted SURE could create bottlenecks at voting precincts that would eclipse obstacles and delays at Florida poll stations; the bottlenecks could make Florida "look like a walk in the park." [ Times-Herald 2/9/04]
What would the outcome of an underscaled registry be? Just this: long lines, the newest voters' names not loaded in time (for Nov. 2), repeated cross-checking delays for the poll workers, the voter's name not found registered, and more voters diverted to a provisional ballot. Also, voters not willing to take the wait will leave before voting. In sum, fewer people voting than the number who register and walk into the precinct.
Purge-list "flukes" -- Florida [contractor : ACCENTURE, Ltd.]
Florida and its contractor [Accenture] created a matchup-list over the summer to name possible felons forMINNESOTA -- Arran Technologies, follow-up migration of Unisys 'MAPPER' data system
likely removal from voter rolls. Incredibly, the 47,700-name purge-candidate list was weighted to bypass Hispanics (only 61 of the 47,000 at-risk Floridians were Latino). The mistake was due to a programming oversight.
With those numbers, the list exposed a disproportionate number of African-Americans to being barred from voting and a near-zero number of Latinos. Aside from the injustice -- such as 2,000 voter names selected despite those citizens' voting rights having been restored and validated before the list was made-- the political impact of the skewed list was beyond dispute.In Florida, blacks compared to hispanics reliably vote more Democratic. The large Cuban community there lowers Democratic totals among hispanics. By bypassing a select ethnic group, more Republican voters would be spared, more Democratic voters would be declared ineligible.
Florida's Election Division was so chagrined and embarrassed when the list's defect became public, the state had to abandon the list altogether.Minneapolis Star Tribune Oct. 1, 2004 : [ link ]
Some bumps for voter registration
By Mark Brunswick
Minnesota's new voter registration system is getting a failing grade for its performance from many of the state's county election officials . . .
The system logs people off, wipes out previously entered data and is so slow that counties already are straining their overtime budgets just to get information entered, the officials complained. And that could lead to some voters being turned away from the polls on Election Day, they said.
"Things that used to take minutes are taking hours. Things that took hours are taking days," Carlton County Auditor-Treasurer Paul Gassert told the Senate Elections Committee. . . . 27 counties reported problems with the system, including slow performance and difficulty in using precinct finder functions. The centerpiece of SVRS is a $4 million computer system that connects all local voter rolls with state and federal databases.
CONTRACTORS hired with [ lopsided] party ties
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Unisys Corp. Its Soft money donations - $300,000 since 1998
VIRGINIA awarded a contract to Unisys in February to create a centralized voter database statewide that will be ready by December 2005. Additionally, according to Federal Computer Week :
"The Unisys solution is designed to help state legislatures redraw district boundaries. It includes redistricting modeling that can predict the likely election outcomes if voting boundaries are moved." [ — FCW, 2.28.05]![]()
MINNESOTA, through its Secretary of State office, first hired Unisys (prior to the data migration by Arran Technologies) to help implement its statewide voter reg database. The system was designed to cross-check motor vehicle records and voter eligibility records. The new system design would also "help the state manage election night reporting and absentee voting." - Government Computer www.gcn.com/state/vol7_no2/states-50/980-2.html[This "soft money to party committees" table (for a clearer original graphics image than the one above) is accessed at www.opensecrets.org/softmoney/softcomp1.asp?txtName=unisys -- the site of the Center for Responsive Politics.
You can find more info also on giving by Unisys and its employees: The PAC donations by Unisys are somewhat more balanced across the 2 political parties, as are individual employee contributions, viewing them at these links.]
Unisys has also become a partner with ES&S [Election Systems & Software] to help integrate public records for voter rolls.
ES&S is implementing statewide systems for at least 5 states including New Mexico and So. Carolina.
ES&S provides registration systems also to more than 350 local jurisdictions.
Covansys (with PCC Technology Group)
PCC and Covansys recently created (converted) a statewide voter database for West Virginia. They won similar contracts for New Jersey, Rhode Island, Idaho, and Connecticut. Covansys' role is the systems "integrator" to allow records access and sharing between state and county offices (motor vehicles, elections officials). PCC's election management software is known as ElectioNet.
Donations 1. co-chair and founder of Covansys, R. Vattikuti (' Soft Money' summary)
listed for 2. co-chair and spouse's personal donations ( $ 181 K) ( 'soft' committee plus single-candidate)
3. contributions of any employee, listed by company name![]()
Table above [1.] is found here
... the one below [2.] can be found here for full listing.For the company founder and co-chairman
Total for this search: $181,474
Following the 2 dollar-list charts below, see the most recent experience with the statewide database built for Connecticut.
Company-wide, employees' donations:![]()
Connecticut's experience – Covansys and PCC TG data integration
One city, Norwalk, refused to merge its voter rolls for November's election into the state's new central registry because both (the Democratic Registrar) Betty Bondi and (Republican Registrar) Karen Lyons discovered "the state system is fraught with errors and earlier this year, after initial attempts at merging the city's rolls with the state system resulted in inaccuracies," they stopped the merger updates to the state system.
In the elections a year earlier ('03), the Secretary of State granted Norwalk a "reprieve" when the city and "a handful of other municipalities complained about the system's reliability and were not hooked up" [for the Nov. '03 election]."
"... [Jeffrey] Garfield [counsel to the Elections Enforcement Commission] would not comment on Bondi and Lyons' criticism of the centralized system." [Stamford Advocate, Nov. 18, 2004] The two registrars may face steep fines, the paper says, for leaving their voter rolls local.
From an earlier article, "Elections panel may fine city's registrars" (up to $2,000 per violation, each registrar) :The Norwalk registrars encountered "problems, such as the elimination of voters, each time the local rolls were converted to the state registry.
" 'One thing that Ms. Bondi and I do agree on is the state system is fraught with errors and problems, and you can see that in many cities,' Lyons said."
"The two registrars stopped inputting information into the centralized registry, leaving, according to Bondi, about 12,600 additions, changes of addresses, deletions and voter reactivations [shown and updated on the local rolls but not duplicated yet in the statewide system]. . . . .
... Garfield said that, despite not being hooked up to the system, the city's Nov. 2 elections appeared to have been successful."
Giving by Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting, spun off from Arthur Andersen)
Accenture has built databases to track voters statewide for Pennsylvania,systems also for: Colorado, Kansas and Wyoming. At the moment, the company is the leading contender to comb over and streamline Wisconsin's voter rolls.
Arkansas and Florida.
It will build statewidePAC giving shown at opensecrets.org
Political donations of Joseph Forehand, chairman, $ 21,000
Political donations of William D. Green, CEO, $ 8,000
Executive leadership includes:
Joseph Forehand (present chairman and the former CEO), William D. Green (newly named CEO),
Stephen Rohleder (the group chief executive of the Government operating group),
and Meg McLaughlin (chief executive of the eDemocracy Services unit).
Political donations of Stephen Rohleder, $ 18,000
Political donations of Meg McLaughlin $ 1,000 non-PACSoft dollar donations data source at link
Return to "statewide database pitfalls"
Donations made by individual employees in recent election cycles, sorted by 'Amount' can be found at the
records site. Accenture employees have given also to Democratic candidates including Sen. Kerry,
which can be easily seen by clicking on sort by 'Name' or sort by recent date (at the given link).
"Sorry, wrong precinct"Election workers may have moved your poll location — since earlier elections when you voted (in '02, or '00).
Some states — including Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Missouri — ruled provisional ballots, if a voter used one, WOULD NOT be counted if the voter had walked into a wrong, nearby poll location even if it were found later that his name did appear correctly on the voter rolls in the right county. A Florida federal judge ruled in October 2004 that a provisional ballot in the wrong precinct did not have to count.
The precinct "shuffle" mistake happens when:UPDATE Nov. 2, 2004, West Palm Beach, FL
" ... voters telling election monitors that they had received leaflets and telephone calls trying to send them to the wrong polling booths." (AFP)The Remedy
- New precincts were added or created (130 new ones in Miami-Dade County for 2004, for starters)
- Lines drawn between precincts were "re-districted" across the state (Colorado, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Texas)
- Local, piecemeal redistricting was done, and you never heard about it (unlike the famous statewide battles in Texas and PA that wound up in court)
- Many counties and states decided to "consolidate" precinct locations so they could buy fewer of the new expensive voting machines and save on costs
- Polling places are changed without notification
If poll workers make the full effort to re-direct the voter to the correct or re-assigned precinct, the voter could of course go there and cast a regular ballot, or provisional as needed.
That happened only when the election worker (1) agreed to be helpful [varies by location, personality, instructions from supervisors, how much chaos was all around, and motivation] (2) made the effort and time to call the elections office and did not face a jammed, busy phone line, or (3) accessed an online "lookup" registration database and did not encounter a user-clog "bottleneck" [access to database denied or unavailable].In the primary in March last year in Chicago – fully 3/4 of the 5,900 ballots cast "provisionally" should have been deemed valid, because only 1/4 of those voters were ruled ineligible. Instead, an additional 1200 votes were discarded from eligible voters because of wrong precinct location. Another 2400 votes were ruled out because of unattached or blank affidavits.
Poll workers accepted ballots that had no chance of being counted. Instead of disallowing only 1461 votes (where the registration wasn't valid), a whopping 5,500 of 5,900 provisional votes were disqualified. These were "placebo" provisional ballots, as reporter Greg Palast has named them."Board of Elections spokesman Tom Leach said election judges should have directed voters to the right precinct, instead of just giving them a provisional ballot, or ensured that paperwork was complete, so as not to disenfranchise so many voters." [Chicago Sun-Times May 10]
Concern for the newer touchscreen machines for casting votes isn't
even HALF of it.
machine maker has pulled much of the attention for installing uncertified software in some locations --
and for the political tilt and donations of its managers wholly
to the Republican Party: Diebold, Inc.
Beyond this, its competitor ES&S put in place
uncertified machine "code," or "firmware,"
in county elections in Indiana in November 2003 (Johnson, Wayne and Henry counties),
for which the company was required later to post a $10 million performance bond against problems or county
liability for the subsequent May primary election.
See Indiana counties' longrunning 2003/2004 problems with ES&S in the series of WISH TV-8's
investigations [bottom of screen],
at link.
Behind the curtain —
And what about the companies that test the voting
Do their managers keep arms length from politicking and partisan giving $ $ ?
Well, no. The dominant testing companies are Colorado-headquartered Ciber Inc. and
Wyle Labs.
Both run validation tests of the technology with no disclosure of the testing issues about their proprietary "clients' " equipment to the public — and no such disclosure even to local elections officials [just a 'Pass/Fail'].Here are the campaign-dollar $ donations from Ciber [has test responsibility for the Software] and Wyle [which tests machines' operability when they are subject to physical challenge conditions, vibrations, shaking, etc.]
Search Criteria:
Donor name: sling
Donor State: CO
Cycle(s) selected: 2004, 2002
Total for this search: $31,750
From all employees of Ciber
predominantly, but not exclusive, to Republican candidates, see link
From all employees of Wyle Laboratories,
including CEO and President C. D. "Gus" Yiakas
The Swift Boat Vets " for Truth " did not tell you this
about . . .
Book co-authors John O'Neill, Jerome Corsi
SWIFT Boat author Jerome Corsi :
Billed as "non-partisan," he calls Democrats "the RATS"
— again, again and again
It's in his own words :
- - Read on, See for yourself. These are bulletin-board posts of his found easily on a well known conservative-politics site. In the 3rd post below, Corsi identifies himself and his research credentials with the board-'handle' "jrlc".Here is Corsi's background, and it is impressive: mediamatters.org/items/200408060010
Please note, if the thoughts expressed below seem a tad harsh, realize they are no one's words but the original author's. ubthejudge does not ascribe to these opinions, or the name-calling.
Corsi identifies himself and his background in his next post, giving his bulletin-board "handle:" jrlc.Can SwiftVets present this author as an aloof chronicler of events of the So. Pacific that took place 30+ years ago? These are the remarks of the author . . .
To: JohnHuang2
By the time the RATS get finished passing anti-business legislation in the Senate, business will be twice as hard to do profitably.
Then the communists like HELLary can pump their welfare clients -- boosting RAT voting in Newark, for example, in an attempt to capture a Senate seat for the RATS . . . .
29 posted on 07/13/2002 7:33:08 AM PDT by jrlc [ original post in full]
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Displayed under the Fair Use exception of 17 USC § 107 for noncommercial, nonprofit, and educational use.
Editor's note: Letters in CAPS are by the original author, the caps have not been added for emphasis by this site. - Ed.
To: jerod
Isn't there a socialist midget, handicapped cripple the RATS could elect -- Oh, I forgot, DasHOLE already has a party job.
44 posted on 11/13/2002 2:54:17 PM PST by jrlc [ original post]
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He signs off (in several posts like this one) saying Kerry's initials, JFK, stand for "Just for Kerry" (as in self-centered). Others who oppose Kerry play this initials game, too.To: HonThe day Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California won the vote
Post #240 on this thread is correct. I did the research on John Kerry's involvement with the VVAW in the period Nov 1971 through 1972. I provided that research to both wintersoldier.com and to Tom Lipscomb -- the site www.wintersoldier.com could archive the original research; Tom Lipscomb as a reporter could utilize the research, but would not archive it. I have published on political protest and terrorism. I hold a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University, 1972. I have a long history of independent research and publication. The VVAW and John Kerry are a field of interest to me. In 1972, I published an extensive study of the political protest around the 1972 Democratic and Republican National Conventions in Miami Beach, protests in which the VVAW was actively involved (the work was published at the Lemberg Center for the Study of Violence, Brandeis University, 1974). Jerome R. Corsi, jrlc on Free Republic. I'll be happy to clarify any other questions you might have.
247 posted on 03/19/2004 8:47:12 AM PST by jrlc (Just for Kerry - STOP THE BUSH BASHING)
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or alternate link
Al Bore, let's hope the 'RATS stay with him -- 'RATS need another
Adlai Stevenson 2-time LOSER.
26 posted on 04/13/2002 3:46:51 PM PDT by jrlc [ original post]
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[ Re House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi ]
To: cloud8
Kerry for President and PeLOUSEY or is it PeLEFTY for the Senate -- maybe the RATS can
re-run McGovern in their deja vu style.
21 posted on 11/10/2002 7:26:49 AM PST by jrlc [ original post]
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of members to become the House Minority Leader,
Corsi mocked her, saying
[Viewpoints about NBC's Today Show host, its "West Wing" prime-time show, and the show's presidential star, Martin Sheen :]She's a "great choice -- going to Boston for the RATS Convention --maybe they can resurrect McGovern as their candidate. Left Wing, Left Coast, Left OUT."
21 posted on 11/14/2002 9:33:50 AM PST by jrlc [ original post]
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To: JohnHuang2
Ratings for the NBC ("Nothing But Communism") show "The Left Wing" have to be seriously low. Maybe Little Katie Communist on the NBC Today Show could interview Madman [Martin] Sheen to establish a new legislative agenda for the RATS.
13 posted on 11/11/2002 4:10:39 AM PST by jrlc [ original post]
Corsi received his PhD in political science from Harvard University in 1972; his dissertation was titled Prior Restraint, Prior Punishment, and Political Dissent; a Moral and Legal Evaluation. Previously, he co-authored a report on the 1967 riots in Cleveland, titled "Shoot-out in Cleveland: Black Militants and the Police," published in 1968 by the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence.
In addition to Unfit for Command, Corsi has written books on a variety of subjects, and is currently the vice president of development and senior editor of U.S. Financial Marketing Group [usfinancialmarketinggroup.com]. Recently, he has been contributing articles to the website wintersoldier.com on the subject of Senator John Kerry's record as an anti-war activist.
Back to (topics) topTo: kattracks
Mullah Ali'Gore-ah with his regulation UBL beard -- won't these guys ever just GO AWAY ???? Must be really frustrating to HELL-ary -- she must hate that the Rats don't just concede the nomination to her. GO, MULLAH ALI'GORE-AH, GO (and don't stop until you get to Kabul) !!!
46 posted on 01/07/2002 8:20:13 AM PST by jrlc [ original post]
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[In the above post, jrlc is musing about or imagining Al Gore with a bin-Laden beard
( "UBL" = Usama Bin Laden) ]
To: ex-Texan
Pooh-LOUSEY, Pooh-LOSER, Pooh-LEFTY -- but is she taller than DasHOLE?
24 posted on 11/18/2002 3:41:30 PM PST by jrlc [ original post]
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Election Strategy for the South,
brainchild of Tom DeLay
" Redistricting will almost wipe out the WD40s – white Democrats
over 40 – leaving a state party of minorities." -CAROLYN BARTA / The Dallas Morning News
July 14, 2003
Remap could create an endangered species
January 8, 2004
By ROBERT T. GARRETT / The Dallas Morning News"AUSTIN – Texas WD-40. It's a commodity in short demand and ebbing supply these days.. . . "another redistricting goal - transforming the Texas Democrats into a minority
. . . federal judges on Tuesday approved a new GOP congressional map aimed at cleansing the state's delegation to Congress of WD-40s."
-led party where white voters might feel less comfortable."
- columnist Todd J. Gillman, Dallas Morning News, 3.14.04
See also the Houston Chronicle June 14, 2004
"Ethics Probe of DeLay Sought"
by Julie Mason The plan "made it harder for white Democrats like [Chris] Bell to win re-election . . . ."
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